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IBS Alumni


The IBS Alumni Federation gives you access to a vast network of professionals and offers you endless opportunities to connect, build relationships, participate and continue to learn from the IBSAF community.


The IBS Alumni Federation is for all IBS alumni who seek personal, professional and intellectual opportunities, because your IBS advantage continues beyond graduation.


The IBS Alumni Federation is a membership organization comprising more than 69,000+ alumni of IBS. Founded in 1997, the Federation has a diverse and rich history of bringing alumni together to support the Institute, its students and each other.


Alumni Meets


Alumni Meet - Pune 2024

ICFAI Business School, Pune organized an Alumni Meet with the theme “Navrang” a Holi Bash on 16 March, 2024 at The Westin, Koregaon Park, Pune.



Workshop on Demystifying Indian Stock Market @ IBS Gurgaon .....

A One-Day Workshop on Demystifying Indian Stock Market was organized on 11th of March 2018 at IBS-Gurgaon campus. The resource persons Mr. Sunny Ralli, Founder, Stock Gurukul & Millionare Bull Research an alumnus of IBS – Gurgaon, 2008 Batch and Mr. Sushant Kumar Co-founder, Finpace Technologies Pvt. Ltd an alumnus of IBS-Hyderabad, 2002 Batch present in propinquity of Delhi NCR showed their presence at IBS Gurgaon campus, to be a part of this intellectual session.

The Event ended with the certificate distribution ceremony to the alumni gathered for this session of much learning and attains some fruitful knowledge about the stock market. A vote of thanks was given by Dr. Devika Vashisht, IBSAF Coordinator, IBS-Gurgaon.

Meditation Workshop was conducted for the IBS Bangalore .....

Meditation Workshop was conducted for the IBS Bangalore for students, faculties & staffs on 23rd Dec 2015.The workshop was conducted by Natesh Kare Alumni batch of 2003 IBS Hyderabad and he works for Accenture Bangalore as the General Manager Operations .Mr. Natesh is also an active member for Heartfulness link: http://en.heartfulness.org/.

Meditation is an extreme form of concentration. It allows your mind to focus on one thing. Strengthen that connection and cultivate an inner knowing that wisely directs and guides our lives. Grow to face the challenges of life with courage and acceptance. Live by the heart, and become what we’re meant to be.

Review your fellow alumnus new book .....

Rajni Kant Rajhans, IBS Hyderabad, Class of 2011, has written a book on “Problems and Solutions in Financial Management: Step by Step Approach”.

The book is available for sale on Amazon and Kindle. Please, find the link of the book.

Yoga the world in…….

Our Alumni Abhilash C Mouli-IBS-B 2008 has started "Broken Buddha" a yoga teaching center meant to dispel all myths about the discipline, a chance to enlighten and understand yoga for corporate firms.

Classes conducted on Sunday @ S & B Towers, MG Road Bengaluru


"Alumni Meet during 2023 - 24"

@ Jaipur on Mar 23, 2024

@ Pune on Mar 16, 2024

@ Hyderabad on Dec 16, 2023

@ Jaipur on Dec 16, 2023

( 181 )

Aallokika bhatnagar (2024)

Aayush kumar (2024)

Abhimanyu pugla (2018)

Abhiraj tiwari (2021)

Abhishek finch (2010)

Abhishek kumar singh (2017)

Adithi anand (2021)

Aditi bhargava (2007)

Aishwarya lasure (2019)

Akanksha dewangan (2018)

Akash prasad (2019)

Akshat arya (2023)

Amit das (2007)

Amol dhurde (2018)

Amrinder kainth singh (2013)

Amrita roy choudhury (2015)

Ananya chakraborty (2023)

Angayarkanni s (2008)

Aniket yadav (2021)

Anil singh (2013)

Anindya mukherjee (2010)

Aniruddha more (2021)

Ankur shankrit (2010)

Annie mittal (2011)

Anshul agrawal (2010)

Anshul gupta (2007)

Anumeha jha (2009)

Anupam kumar (2002)

Anushree ramamurthy (2008)

Arjun bhandari (2009)

Ashish kumar pandey (2002)

Ashish mantri (2022)

Ashish yadav (2015)

Ayushi jaiswal (2020)

Batchu venkata rama hemanth kumar (2023)

Bharath das k (2016)

Bhupinder singh (2013)

Bhuwan vijaywargia (2009)

Chaitra sadashiv shetty (2004)

Chandni brar (2021)

Chhavi sharma (2018)

D`coutho jude brindon noel (1998)

Dashmeet singh sahny (2024)

Debalina choudhury (2010)

Dedeepya malipireddy (2024)

Deepak mittal (2000)

Deepti kalal (2013)

Dev hisaria (2015)

Dhruv bhalchandra rajput (2014)

Dias gloria joel (2006)

Dibyendu karmakar (2020)

Dipti goyal (2008)

Divya dhoreliya (2016)

Divya n swamy (2014)

Garima sehgal (2010)

Gaurav shiyal (2021)

Gautam grover (2007)

Gayatri mahadevan (2004)

Geetika goel (2010)

Gurleen kaur (2018)

Harinder singh (2021)

Harneet singh kalra (2007)

Harsh soni (2024)

Harsha srivastava (2024)

Harshit singhal (2023)

Harshita rai (2022)

Himanshi gupta (2021)

Himanshu dalmia (2022)

Irisha choudhary (2021)

Isha chauhan (2024)

Ishan raichur (2023)

Ishan sharma (2019)

Jaspreet singh (2012)

Javed ali (2021)

Jayyant bakshi (2021)

Jyotibrata dutta (2010)

K musalaiah (2008)

Kamalesh p (2022)

Kanika agarwal (2021)

Kanika budhiraja (2011)

Karan veer singh (2017)

Kartikeya vats (2012)

Kavita bhashyam (1998)

Korak roy (2010)

Krunal agrawal (2015)

Kunal sharma (2012)

Kunal barua (2003)

Lipika bora (2018)

Madhup bajoria (2008)

Majmudar niraj dilip (2007)

Manali parekh (2018)

Manasi verma (2024)

Manisha verma (2007)

Manvi gupta (2011)

Mayank tandon (2008)

Md tarique ahmed (2010)

Meghankika (2022)

Mihir kotecha (2019)

Mohd kasim khan (2023)

Mohit gopal (2006)

Mohit jain (2011)

Moksha soni (2018)

N l v divya bonagiri (2013)

Nazia rizvi (2010)

Nikunj bhargava (2018)

Nisha singh (2011)

Nitish garg (2005)

P kalia (2005)

Pallavi tiwary (2012)

Pallavi mishra (2009)

Pankaj kumar singh (2001)

Parag nigam (2008)

Paras wahi (2015)

Parikh sushil krushnakant (2004)

Payal bhandari (2018)

Pokhraj dey (2021)

Pooja arun mavinkurve (2006)

Pooja talwar (2006)

Prabhakar singh (2022)

Prateek singh (2023)

Prateek kadambande (2021)

Pratik sarkar (2021)

Pratik shivsingh purohit (2013)

Priyanka (2014)

Priyanka choudhary (2009)

Priyesh (2020)

Pushpdeep singh mathaun (2009)

Radhika jhunjhunwala (2024)

Raghunandan datta (2021)

Rahul (2004)

Rajan nadar (2016)

Rajat garg (2021)

Reshmi das (2004)

Ria kapoor (2021)

Richa kushwah (2021)

Ritesh nonihal (2017)

Ritika sureka (2024)

Ritika suri (2011)

Rohini batra (2010)

Rohit singh (2024)

Rosy bisht (2004)

Rucha bhatt (2021)

Saad faridi (2016)

Sahil dhuria (2014)

Saif ali khan (2019)

Sakshi nigam (2019)

Samit parekh (1998)

Santosh agrawal (2006)

Satyam shukla (2016)

Saundarya srivastava (2018)

Savan patel (2013)

Shah pinkal susmit (2011)

Shefali chauhan (2016)

Shilpa sinha (2009)

Shilpi shukla (2007)

Shivani saluja (2011)

Shubham gupta (2016)

Shubham jain (2021)

Shweta jalan (2009)

Shyam trehan (2006)

Siddharth nair (2021)

Siddharth chowdhary (2008)

Sidhartha kumar (2006)

Snehan varghese cyril (2017)

Sohail mehmood (2014)

Sonia dubey (2009)

Souvik dhar (2012)

Sri ramya mangu (2022)

Subho chatterjee (2009)

Sudeep awasthi (2017)

Suprateek (2020)

Supravat pal (2024)

Sushmita kumari (2014)

Swati walia (2012)

Swati mehta (2010)

Tanisha gupta (2020)

Tanya dsouza (2020)

Vikas munoth (1999)

Yash maheshwari (2024)

Yashwanth lingam (2021)

Yogesh dubey (2017)

 IBSAF World

January 2014

December 2014

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